A fantasia in E minor on the evolutionary transition from the sea to the land to the stars.

they say the earth is dying

##I. A Century Sleeping Under The Sea

A nautilus drifts through the vagaries of the widest ocean, living a million years as a day. For processed electric guitar. Recorded in 2007.

##II. Aeon Banquet: The Whale King Weeps at His Mistake

A meeting is held; decisions must be made. The new land-walkers leave, and the followers of the old ways float away on the ever shifting tides. Hearing news of the New World, The Lord of the Ocean thinks on his decision, and his tears of frustration mix in with the ocean waters. For processed electric guitar. Recorded in 2008.

##III. We Must Bid Farewell to Our Ancestral Home

Dreaming of wealth in the city, cottages are abandoned, the ghosts of grandfathers watch as their families forget them in exchange for a new magic. They weep, for they know they will be unable to teach the children the old ways. For processed electric guitar. Recorded in 2008.

##IV. For Now We Journey To A Land Beyond

High in the sky hangs a darkening sun, looking for all the world like an over-ripe peach - but who will pluck it? A dark finger crosses the sky and with that craft leave the remnants of the human race, who must forever abandon their only home. For processed electric guitar. Recorded in 2008.

##V. Constellation Orbit Melodie - Cozmik Tryst

Enraptured by the emptiness they inhabit, the human race has slept for five thousand years, hurtling through space. Dreams of a new world dance in their heads, and the world the knew burns slowly. For processed electric guitar. Recorded in 2008.

##VI. Encounter with the Space Titan

Blind and deaf, drifting drawn by the eddies of the cosmic wind, it rests eternally; cast out of the sun, in the coldness of space, sleeping until it can find a new home. For processed electric guitar. Recorded in 2010.

##VII. Deep, Majestic, Terminal - Hole of Eternity t And mankind rests, finding their final home - in space itself, forever drifting, asleep and alone - a dreamless and dark sleep. For processed electric guitar. Recorded in 2010.